Grayscale plugin
This plugin shows most features of the grayscale library. Apart from that it doesn't do anything useful.
Purpose of this plugin
This plugin is aimed at plugin developers showing how to use the grayscale library within plugins.
While some plugins already use the grayscale library (mandelbrot, jpeg viewer), no one has written a game in grayscale yet.
You could be the first to do so!
Recorder | Ondio | Iriver | Function |
Off | OnOff | Stop | Exit plugin |
Direction keys | Scroll around |
On | Mode | Play | Shift (scroll in black borders instead of white) |
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CategoryPlugin: Grayscale library demonstration [Recorder , Ondio , Iriver ]
Revision r1.3 - 28 Jul 2005 - 12:43 GMT - JensArnold Parents: PluginIndex
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